Now serving clients in Oakland County


Helping Seniors Avoid The Winter Blues

Many of us in Michigan have heard about or will experience the “Winter Blues” when the days are shorter; there’s less sunlight; and it’s so cold that you don’t want to go outside. While the winter blues can affect people of any age, the feeling of sadness and “being down in the dumps” can be more severe for older adults who are less mobile and more isolated.

This is why our caregivers are trained to help clients avoid the winter blues. Having the companionship of a caregiver who they relate to and enjoy is a big help. While seniors like their routines, we encourage our caregivers to introduce small changes to help vary the day. In other words, keep it fresh. These may include playing a new game, doing a craft, changing up range of motion exercises, playing music, watching a movie, preparing a favorite snack or meal, and other fun activities.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) has identified that having a diet rich in vitamin D is also important to help older adults avoid the winter blues. While sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D, it may be difficult for seniors to “soak up the sun” during cold winter months.

This is why it’s important to monitor a senior’s diet to ensure they’re getting different sources of vitamin D. These include salmon, milk, yogurt, cheese, eggs, oranges, fortified breakfast cereals and meat such as ham, pork and beef liver.

The NIH cautions that if the winter blues don’t clear up after a fairly short period of time and depression lingers or becomes more severe, it is important to make an appointment with a medical doctor.

At Assurant Care, compassionate care also means helping lift your loved one’s spirits on gloomy days. It’s what we do!

If you have questions or comments about this or other subjects, please feel free to give us a call.


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